Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Führer Adolf Hitler is dead!

On July 20, 1944, a bomb explosion resonated across the vast Wolf's Lair field Headquarters near Rustenburg, East Prussia. The plot to kill Hitler, codenamed Operation Valkyrie, was now officially initiated . Shortly after the bomb explosion, the order contained in the Operation Valkyrie, was read to the Reserve Army in Berlin:

" The Führer Adolf Hitler is dead!

An unscrupulous clique of party leaders alien to the front has attempted, under the exploitation of this situation, to fall on the backs of the hard-struggling front and to seize power for selfish purposes.
II. In this hour of highest danger, the government of the Reich has declared a state of military emergency for the maintenance of law and order and at the same time has transferred the executive power, with the supreme command of the Wehrmacht, to me.

III. With this, I order:

    1. I transfer the executive power – with the right of delegation, on the territorial commanders – in the area of the war at home, on the commander of the army reserves under the simultaneous appointment to the supreme commander in the homeland war – in the occupied western area, on the supreme commander west – in Italy, on the supreme commander southwest – in the occupied eastern area, on the supreme commander of the army groups and the commander of the Wehrmacht eastern land for their respective area of command – in Denmark and Norway, to the Wehrmacht commander.

    2. The holders of executive power have control over:

        a) all section and units of the Wehrmacht, including the Waffen-SS, RAD and the OT, within their area of command;
        b) all public authorities (of the Reich, Germany, the states and the municipalities), especially the entire law enforcement police, security police and administrative police;
        c) all office bearers and subdivisions of the NSDAP and those of its affiliated associations;
        d) the transportation services and public utilities

    3. The entire Waffen-SS is integrated into the army with immediate effect.
    4. The holders of executive power are responsible for the maintenance of order and public security. 

They especially have to ensure:

        a) the protection of the communication facilities,
        b) the elimination of the SD (Security Service).

Any opposition against the military power of enforcement is to be broken ruthlessly.
In this hour of highest danger for the Fatherland, unity of the Wehrmacht and the maintenance of full discipline is the uppermost requirement.

That is why I make it the duty of all commanders of the army, the navy, and the air force to support the holders of executive power to carry out their difficult task with all means at their disposal and to guarantee the compliance of their directives by the subordinate sections. The German soldier stands before a historical task. It will depend on his energy and attitude whether Germany will be saved."

But it turned out that Hitler was alive, to the dismay and horror of the conspirators. And they ( the conspirators and sympathizers ) would soon feel the wrath of Adolf Hitler. About 5,000 of them would meet their untimely death in the months to come. The coup has failed.

1 comment:

  1. Where is this taken from? Whats the source?
